“Imagine a roller coaster,” said Dr Peter Harvey, Consultant Clinical Psychologist at Leeds Teaching Hospitals Trust in a presentation he gave titled ‘After the Treatment Finishes – Then What?’

How a person reacts and responds to a cancer diagnosis can range from shock and sadness to denial or despair. Coping with such a life-changing event is never easy, but there are things family and friends can do to support a loved one who has been told they have bowel cancer.

Bowel habits are unlikely to return to what they were before surgery for anyone who has had bowel cancer, according to more than 200 bowel cancer patients surveyed around the world.

"Bowel cancer patients have unique needs which aren’t just physical," said Bowel Care Nurse Katie Emanuelli, who supports bowel cancer patients and their families in the community of Shepparton.

Profiling of 60 bowel adenoma polyps will be used to better define optimal colonoscopic surveillance intervals, thanks to a new research grant to the Lawrence Penn Chair of Bowel Cancer Research from the Medical Research Future Fund (Sydney Health Partners).

Bowel Cancer Australia is calling on Federal, State and Territory governments to increase funding for colonoscopies to reduce wait-times to 30 days and minimise patient distress and anxiety.

Funding from the Colorectal Surgical Society ANZ Foundation will support new research to improve our understanding of why some early stage bowel tumours metastasise to lymph nodes.

Cancer treatment and surgery can take quite a toll on your skin and hair making it loose its shine and healthy glow. Upping healthy fruit, vegetables, fish or fish oils, nuts and seeds can bring back the lustre and make you feel and look well. 

A new grant secured by the Lawrence Penn Chair of Bowel Cancer Research laboratory from the Cancer Institute NSW will enable further investigation into the prognostic contribution of immune cell infiltration in rectal cancer.