On 1 November 2019, a number of changes to colonoscopy and related items came into effect, resulting in eight new MBS items and the removal of four existing items.
The new Medicare item numbers for colonoscopy were the most dramatic change since they were created, and while there are no restrictions for people accessing colonoscopy if they have new symptoms or a positive screening test result, many patients with a personal or family history of the disease have been affected, resulting in stress and anxiety.
Even the MBS Review Advisory Committee (MRAC) Colonoscopy Working Group, which is currently reviewing the impact of the 2019 changes noted there was a lack of communication with patients about how the item changes affected their colonoscopy intervals.
The Working Group is now seeking feedback, including on a recommendation requiring further consultation to limit direct access to colonoscopy for anyone who does not have a positive screening test result or history of blood in the stool.
Given people under the age of 50 have an increased risk of developing bowel cancer when they experience one or more symptoms of abdominal pain, rectal bleeding, diarrhoea and iron deficiency anaemia between 3 months and 2 years prior to diagnosis, Bowel Cancer Australia is concerned limiting direct access to colonoscopy could lead to significant delays in diagnosis.
If you have been impacted by the 2019 changes or would like to provide feedback on the new recommendations, it is important the Working Group hears directly from you.
Have your say. https://bit.ly/3RkKDDu