I was diagnosed with bowel cancer at the age of 22, so I know from my own personal experience that bowel cancer affects men of all ages.
You can be young, eat well, exercise regularly and still be told, “You have bowel cancer.”
Decembeard® is a great way to raise awareness about the early detection of bowel cancer, when 90% of cases can be successfully treated.
Growing a beard offers a visual reminder to others about this silent cancer killer.
So this year I’m supporting Decembeard.
Not just as a way of raising awareness, but also as a way to raise funds to support vital bowel cancer research.
Without funding research there will be no progress in finding ways to reduce adverse reactions to current medical interventions.
I’d also like to see research funded for the development of medical interventions that impact less on quality of life and body function for those diagnosed with bowel cancer, like me.
Following surgery to remove the cancer from my bowel, I took 3 years off of work in order to adapt to the changes that had happened within my body.
I felt it was important to give my body time to heal and to take time to adapt mentally to the adverse reactions from surgery.
Since being diagnosed with bowel cancer, I have prioritised my life to ensure that I can live up to my own moral values, which includes helping other people.
Decembeard provides me with a great way to do that.
Join me and Bowel Cancer Australia this Decembeard and help us beat bowel cancer.