Create an online fundraising page for Bowel Cancer Awareness Month / Red Apple Day.
Or read our fundraising guidelines and submit a fundraising proposal to host your own event and/or sell bowel cancer awareness ribbons which can be purchased online.

Bowel Cancer Awareness Month Help Beat Bowel Cancer
Bowel Cancer Awareness Month
June is Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - Bowel Cancer Australia's signature event to raise awareness of Australia's second deadliest cancer and funds for the leading community-funded charity dedicated to championing what matters most to people impacted by bowel cancer and empowering everyone affected to live their best life.

Bowel cancer claims the lives of 103 Australians every week (5,350 people a year) - but it's one of the most treatable types of cancer when detected early.

While the risk of bowel cancer increases significantly with age, the disease doesn't discriminate, affecting people of all ages.
299 Australians will be diagnosed with bowel cancer this week (15,531 people a year).

Support Bowel Cancer Awareness Month - register your interest, fundraise and/or order an awareness pack.

| A virtual bowel cancer awareness ribbon
A simple way to help show your support of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and Red Apple Day is to purchase a Virtual Bowel Cancer Awareness Ribbon.
  • send a ribbon to someone you know;
  • dedicate a ribbon in remembrance; or
  • buy a ribbon to help raise awareness.
The virtual ribbon can also be sent as an eCard and/or pinned to our virtual apple tree.

Red Apple Day 
| Red Apple Day
Red Apple Day (Wednesday, 19 June 2024) is Bowel Cancer Australia's Annual Giving Day, when Australians are encouraged to support the vital work of the charity.
If you've ever thought about raising funds and awareness for bowel cancer, then Red Apple Day is the time to get to it!
Host an apple themed brunch, morning or afternoon tea, dinner or evening catch-up, or organise a virtual event.
Create your Red Apple Day online fundraising page as an individual or a team now.
Apple logo and charity colours
Bowel Cancer Australia's apple logo is symbolic of the charity's bowel cancer message: almost 99 percent of bowel cancer cases can be successfully treated when detected early.
The outline of Bowel Cancer Australia's apple logo represents an abstract of a human bowel. The small hole in the apple is caused by a worm. If detected early and removed, the worm is unable to continue affecting the apple or the health of the tree.
It's the same outcome for people. If bowel cancer is detected early it can be successfully treated, which means patients and their families can continue to enjoy a healthy life.
Both red and green apples are also a nutritious source of dietary fibre.

Create a Red Apple Day or Bowel Cancer Awareness Month online fundraising page.

Annual Giving Day 2024
Planning your fundraiser
If you’ve ever thought about raising funds and awareness for bowel cancer, then Bowel Cancer Awareness Month is the perfect time to do it.
Organising a fundraising event is easy and rewarding, limited only by your imagination. It is also lots of fun.
Take a look at the online fundraising section and our virtual fundraising webpage for loads of great online fundraising options and ideas.
From morning teas, brunches, celebrations and trivia/bingo nights, to craft/creative endeavours, gold coin donations, and personal challenges . . . there are endless crunch-tastic apple themed event fundraising ideas! 
Already have a fundraising activity in mind?
Here are some useful tips, tricks and handy hints, to help you get the most out of your fundraising event:
  • Enjoy: select an activity or event-type that you enjoy doing, such as an existing hobby or interest. The main thing is to have fun and support a cause close to your heart.
  • Create: make a poster or flyer about your fundraiser and distribute them around your workplace or local community (be sure to request a copy of our Proudly Supporting Bowel Cancer Australia logo and obtain any necessary charity/company/council approvals first). Refer to Bowel Cancer Australia's Fundraising Kit for tips on promoting your event online. How about contacting your local newspaper to see if they will feature your fundraising story.
  • Share: personal stories are the most powerful stories, so be sure to share the reason why you've chosen to raise bowel cancer awareness and support Bowel Cancer Australia with potential donors and sponsors. Spread the word among family and friends, chat to your work colleagues, or get something included in your club/group newsletter.
  • Be social: post your fundraiser details on your social media pages. You may even like to create a special Facebook event and invite your friends. Remember to include the campaign hashtags #BowelCancerAwarenessMonth and #RedAppleDay and to tag @BowelCancerAustralia
  • Work it: ask your HR department if they can put a post about your fundraising on the company's intranet or newsletter. Investigate if your employer is willing to match charity donations. Hold a fundraiser at your workplace.
  • Break it down: if you have a larger overall target - break your fundraising down into achievable bite-sized chunks. For example: sponsorship from friends and family - $450, apple themed craft auction - $150, Red Apple Day brunch with colleagues - $200, company match giving - $200. Before you know it, there's $1000 reached!
  • Give thanks: be sure to thank all your donors and sponsors, tell them why their support is so important and how their donation will help.

Downloadable resources, merchandise and awareness materials
We've got everything you need to help you make your fundraiser a success, including free downloadable resources, helpful fundraising tips, useful information and facts about bowel cancer. Head to our online shop to -
  • download social media badges to share on your Facebook, Instagram, Stories and online fundraising page;
  • download or order print copies of awareness posters, brochures and flyers to display or share via web or email;
  • purchase running singlets, t-shirts, Bowel Cancer Awareness Ribbons or our popular red and white striped Bum Shorts. 
Please note: materials and merchandise can take up to two weeks to arrive in the post, so to avoid disappointment, please place your order ASAP.

Proudly supporting Bowel Cancer Australia logo
If you wish to include or display Bowel Cancer Australia's logo or the charity's name on any materials relating to your fundraiser, we can email our 'proudly supporting Bowel Cancer Australia' logo once your fundraiser has been approved. Please don't use the standard charity logo or take a screen capture of the logo listed on the Bowel Cancer Australia website.

Online Fundraising
Getting started with online fundraising
Like to fundraise online but not sure how? It is actually a lot easier than you think!
Using our online fundraising website you can create your own individual or team Bowel Cancer Awareness Month webpage in just minutes and invite everyone you know to make an online donation to Bowel Cancer Australia in support of your fundraiser.
Simply create a profile, set your target, add a picture and blurb about why supporting Bowel Cancer Awareness Month is important to you, and you’re good to go!
Each fundraising page has its own unique website link, which you can include in your promotional posters/flyers, send via email or put on your social networking sites to invite your family, friends, neighbours, colleagues, co-workers and anyone else you can think of to donate.
Every online donation is recorded on your fundraising page along with any special messages from your donors.
Receipts are automatically issued to donors, so that means no 'handling money' for you, and no time spent by us issuing receipts or paying for postage. Sound good?

Create a Bowel Cancer Awareness Month or Red Apple Day online fundraising page.

Having trouble finding your online fundraising page?
Simply head to the Bowel Cancer Awareness Month or Red Apple Day online fundraising homepage, click on 'Support a Friend' and search for your (the fundraiser’s) name.

Go Fundraise FAQs and Help Centre
The friendly team at Go Fundraise have put together some simple FAQs and a step-by-step guide for creating an online fundraising page and are available to answer any technical question you may be have at Contact Go Fundraise Help Centre.
Facebook Fundraiser Iphone
Create a Facebook fundraiser
It's easy to create a fundraiser through Facebook, share it with friends and reach your goal.
Simply click on the link below, press the ’Select Nonprofit’ button, search for Bowel Cancer Australia and then follow the prompts.

Please Note: Bowel Cancer Australia doesn’t receive a notification every time someone creates a Facebook fundraiser. We love to thank our passionate supporters and share their stories. So that we may promote and share your fundraiser, please send us an email or message us on Facebook @BowelCancerAustralia to let us know about your much appreciated Facebook Fundraising efforts.

Still not sure where to start? Ask us how you can digitise your fundraiser.

Get started with Facebook Fundraisers.

Selling Awareness Ribbons
Sell bowel cancer awareness ribbons
A simple way to help show your support of Bowel Cancer Awareness Month and Red Apple Day is to wear a Bowel Cancer Awareness Ribbon. Even better, grab yourself a display box and sell them for $2 each to all your family, friends and work colleagues.
To become a 'Apple Ribbon Seller' this Bowel Cancer Awareness Month / Red Apple Day please complete the fundraising proposal below and purchase Bowel Cancer Awareness Ribbons from our online shop.
If you have sold your box of Bowel Cancer Awareness Ribbons and would like to bank any additional funds you can do so online or via direct deposit or cheque.
You can also donate to Bowel Cancer Australia anytime throughout year.

 Banking your fundraising dollars
Thank you very much for your fabulous fundraising efforts, raising much needed funds and awareness for bowel cancer and Bowel Cancer Australia.
If you have completed your fundraiser and are ready to bank the funds, follow the steps below.

For offline fundraisers
Refer to your Sanction to Fundraise letter for further details on banking your donations or to bank your funds now visit our Make a Donation webpage.
When banking funds by direct deposit, please ensure your Sanction to Fundraise number or name is in the transaction reference so we can identify your deposit and issue a receipt.
Should any of your donors require individual receipts, email us the Record of Donors sheet at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. making sure you have provided donor names, email (or postal) address, and amount of each donation adding up to the total value of the deposit.

For online fundraisers
Already set up an online fundraising page? To bank any offline funds you’ve raised as part of your online fundraising efforts (e.g. cash donations collected or funds raised through an event/activity), simply process the donations through your personal page by clicking on the “Give Now” button.
And don’t forget, if you are adding a donation from someone else and would like the receipt to be issued in their name (not yours) be sure to enter that person’s name in the “Donor Name” and “Donor Details” section.

Related Information - Get Involved

Facebook Fundraiser

Facebook Fundraiser

Online Fundraising

Play for Purpose