Wellness Beyond Diagnosis

The Movement – Wellness Beyond Diagnosis is Bowel Cancer Australia’s closed Facebook Group.

The Movement aims to assist you and your loved ones access quality information and support to help improve health and wellbeing throughout the care continuum.

The Movement is built through online connections with others and is facilitated by Bowel Care Nurses Australia and importantly people with lived experience.

The Movement consists of:

  • A private Facebook Group where you can connect with others
  • Monthly presentations by experts along with Q&A sessions
  • Monthly ‘coffee catch-ups’ to chat with peers
  • A resource library

Anyone aged 18 and over, living with or beyond bowel cancer is welcome.

Whether you are newly diagnosed, in active treatment, undergoing surveillance following treatment or for genetic syndrome prevention, or in remission, we hope you will find helpful resources and a very supportive community.

If this sounds of interest to you, then


1800 727 336

Bowel Cancer Australia’s free confidential helpline

Monday to Friday, during business hours

Other languages – call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 then ask for 1800 727 336
Hearing or speech assistance – contact us through the National Relay Service then ask for 1800 727 336