Colonoscopy wait times

Time between positive screen and colonoscopy of people aged aged 50-74. 90th percentile (in days). 

A colonoscopy wait time and performance guarantee

According to the latest AIHW National Bowel Cancer Screening Program (NBCSP) Monitoring Report, in 2022 only 13.5% of participants were recorded as having received a colonoscopy within the recommended 30-day timeframe, down from 15.6% in 2021.

Participants waited between 133 days and 197 days, depending on where they lived (2021: 119-235 days).

Delays in diagnosis and treatment of people with early-stage bowel cancer can lead to stage migration, when tumours progress from being curable by surgery (or radiotherapy) with near normal life expectancy to being incurable, with very limited life expectancy.


Bowel Cancer Australia therefore advocates for a colonoscopy wait-time and performance guarantee to minimise patient stress and anxiety and to improve outcomes:

  • A colonoscopy within 30 days from first healthcare presentation for people experiencing symptoms suggestive of bowel cancer or a positive screen. If wait times exceed 120 days, a prognosis can worsen if cancer is present.
  • Transparency and public reporting of colonoscopy wait-times by all public and private healthcare facilities, released quarterly.
  • Adequate funding for colonoscopy services across Australia.
  • Collection of patient-reported experience measures within 30 days via a questionnaire from all people who undergo a colonoscopy, asking them about their pre-procedure experience (whether people understood the risks/benefits), the hospital experience (the procedure itself, issues of dignity/privacy); and post-procedure complications (bleeding/pain), with results publicly reported.
  • Minimum quality standards and key performance indicators (KPIs) for the delivery of colonoscopy within Australia, along with recording and public reporting of performance against the standards and KPIs.


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