Awareness & patient resources

There is no shortage of information on bowel cancer but when it comes to credible information, that’s a different case.

Bowel Cancer Australia has developed a suite of awareness and patient resources covering all aspects of bowel cancer: prevention, early detection, diagnosis, surgery, treatment and care. Including resources uniquely designed for younger people.

Our resources are designed to increase understanding of bowel cancer, treatment (including managing side effects), and how to adjust to the ‘new’ normal for people living with and beyond bowel cancer.

Please check out our free awareness and patient resources to explore the range of free downloadable awareness and patient resources.

1800 727 336

Bowel Cancer Australia’s free confidential helpline

Monday to Friday, during business hours

Other languages – call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 then ask for 1800 727 336
Hearing or speech assistance – contact us through the National Relay Service then ask for 1800 727 336