Many patients and loved ones choose to share their stories to help raise awareness that you’re never too young to have bowel cancer and to provide support to others.

Often people can find it helpful to read about the experiences of others who have been affected by bowel cancer.

Stories highlight personal bowel cancer experiences, raise awareness of the signs and symptoms and can encourage and inspire others.

Stories are also a valuable resource for other patients and loved ones, who often find it helpful to read about personal experiences of others who are living with or have been affected by bowel cancer.

You are welcome to share your personal experience – whether you are living with or beyond bowel cancer or as a loved one.

Bowel Cancer Australia promotes bowel cancer stories in the media, on our website, on social media and in our patient resources.

Stories highlight personal bowel cancer experiences, raise awareness of the signs and symptoms and can encourage and inspire others.

Stories are also a valuable resource for other patients and loved ones, who often find it helpful to read about personal experiences of others who are living with or have been affected by bowel cancer.

Please note, occasionally personal experiences contain content that some readers may find distressing.

Please complete the form to share your story (and photo) with us.

Read patient and loved-ones lived-experiences

Share your story

1800 727 336

Bowel Cancer Australia’s free confidential helpline

Monday to Friday, during business hours

Other languages – call the Translating and Interpreting Service on 13 14 50 then ask for 1800 727 336
Hearing or speech assistance – contact us through the National Relay Service then ask for 1800 727 336