Become part of an expanding international community of healthcare providers dedicated to improving health outcomes for bowel cancer patients.
How would knowing what your patients are really experiencing between visits – physically, socially, and personally, because of their bowel cancer and treatment – help you in the decision-making process about their care?
Bowel cancer affects patients long after they leave hospital – health problems including chronic bowel issues, sexual dysfunction, dietary concerns, depression, and anxiety can remain for the rest of their lives.
Yet patients are reluctant to raise these matters with their medical team because they don’t want to take up valuable time discussing things, they fear will be considered trivial.i
Using the patient-centred and scientifically validated ICHOM Set of Patient-Centred Outcome Measures for Colorectal Cancerii of patient-reported outcomes (PROs), co-funded by Bowel Cancer Australia, My Bowel Cancer, My Voice allows sensitive issues to be raised in systematic ways, prompting conversations which otherwise might not take placeiii.
By prioritising the concerns your patients consider to be most important, PROs can help you deliver treatment and care that is more personalised, responsive, and effective - giving real meaning to the term 'patient-centred care'.
| My Bowel Cancer, My Voice can help
Combine your clinical knowledge with your patients' unique goals and preferences to improve their health outcome.
Patient-friendly and HIPAA compliantiv, My Bowel Cancer, My Voice provides you with the only metrics that truly capture your patients’ perspective of their bowel cancer treatment and recovery, so that you can work together to address symptoms early and make sure your patients’ achieve the best health outcomes possible.
Patients can complete the electronic questionnaires at home or in the waiting room in less than 15 minutes, and you can view their responses along with a detailed scoring summary in real time within the My Bowel Cancer, My Voice clinician dashboard.
• Increase patient engagement in their treatment and care
• Enhance patient communication
• Identify issues and intervene early
• Monitor outcomes and trends over time
• Enhance patient communication
• Identify issues and intervene early
• Monitor outcomes and trends over time
To help subsidise Bowel Cancer Australia’s running costs, specialists are required to pay a subscription fee, but participation is free for patients.
Sign up today for an obligation free 30-day trial, follow our step-by-step guide, and start using your patients’ reported outcome measures to tailor their treatment plans and to reflect on quality improvement for all bowel cancer patients.
If you have questions or would like to know more, contact our Helpline on 1800 555 494 during business hours, or send us an email.
i *P.A. Sutton et al. Evaluating unmet needs in patients undergoing surgery for colorectal cancer: a patient reported outcome measures study. Colorectal Disease 2019. The Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain and Ireland. 21, 797-804.
ii The Colorectal Cancer Set covers all bowel cancer patients with newly pathologically diagnosed invasive colorectal cancer (stage I-IV) being treated in the public and private health system.
iii Radiation oncologists reported that PROs have enabled honest conversations related to sexual dysfunction, incontinence, and rectal bleeding in patients with prostate cancer. Before the implementation of PROs, these symptoms weren’t always explicitly discussed, or their importance was downplayed.
ii The Colorectal Cancer Set covers all bowel cancer patients with newly pathologically diagnosed invasive colorectal cancer (stage I-IV) being treated in the public and private health system.
iii Radiation oncologists reported that PROs have enabled honest conversations related to sexual dysfunction, incontinence, and rectal bleeding in patients with prostate cancer. Before the implementation of PROs, these symptoms weren’t always explicitly discussed, or their importance was downplayed.
iv Automatically encrypted, stored securely and complies with HIPAA (Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act), PHIPA (Personal Health Information Protection Act), the Australian Privacy Act 1988 (Cth) and the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) (regulation (EU) 2016/679), ISO 27001.