I was diagnosed in April 23 at age 46 after a presentation to A&E with excruciating stomach pain. A CT scan revealed a mass in my transverse colon, highly likely to be cancer. I can’t describe the fear I felt in that moment or the anguish of having to relay it to my husband and later my four teenage children.
I had been experiencing issues with my bowels for some 18mths and after multiple presentations to my GP, she diagnosed IBS.
Two weeks after diagnosis I underwent a resection of my ascending and transverse colon and the removal of 26 lymph nodes.
Tests confirmed I had Stage IV colon cancer with metastasis to the liver and the BRAF v600e mutation.
A month later I underwent a liver resection and commenced eight rounds of CAPOX six weeks later.
I have had unwavering support from my husband, children, family, friends and workplace. They kept me going through a brutal regime of chemotherapy that has left me with significant neuropathy in my feet and fingers.
I feel incredibly fortunate that I am currently NED but the psychological impact of living life in three month increments between bloods and scans is at times incredibly challenging and difficult for others to comprehend.
I hope and pray for new treatment options for myself and others who are impacted by this awful disease.
My one piece of advice for others: Don’t ignore your symptoms or allow them to be minimised by health professionals. Advocate fiercely for diagnostic testing.