
Header Recipes

Swedish Meatballs

High protein low fat meatballs that are even better the next day. Served with rice this hearty meal is great for big appetites. 



50 grams wholemeal breadcrumbs
500 grams (combined weight) of pork and beef mince
1 grated medium brown onion
1 lightly beaten egg
1 teaspoon mixed herbs
1 teaspoon all spice
2 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
250 grams dry weight quinoa
300 grams fresh green beans
sour cream for serving

Swedish Meatballs Directions

Warm the oven to 180C.

Line an oven dish with baking paper. 

Mix the grated onion with the mixed herbs, olive oil, all spice and breadcrumbs. 

Mix in the mince and beaten egg and bind the ingredients. 

Roll and make small meat balls approximately the size of golf balls. 

Lay the meatballs in the oven dish and leave a 1-2 cms gap between them, at the same time boil the quinoa until soft.

Cook the meatballs for 20-30 minutes until golden.

5 minutes before serving steam the green beans. 

Plate the ingredients to four equal plates and add a dollop of sour cream onto the meatballs.

Recipe notes

Consuming <500 grams of cooked red meat per week is advised in accordance with the World Cancer Research Fund’s (WCRF) recommendation.

Nutrition facts

gluten free

Per Serving

Fibers (g): 8g