Cancer treatment can be quite complex.  Not surprisingly, some patients may not know where to start asking questions and, naturally, may wonder if another specialist might offer something different in the way of treatment.

Patients may find themselves wanting to talk with another specialist who can look at their test results, talk to them about their personal situation, and perhaps give them a different take on their case.

Some patients may find it difficult to tell their specialist that they would like to seek out a second opinion.

Knowing that it is quite common for patients to seek out a second opinion, the following list of questions may aid in addressing the subject with your specialist. Most specialists are comfortable with such requests.

  • Before we start treatment, I would like to get a second opinion. Will you assist me with that?
  • If you had my type of cancer, who would you see for a second opinion?
  • I think I would like to speak to another specialist to be sure I have all my bases covered.
  • I’m thinking of seeking out a second opinion.  Can you recommend someone? If so, who would you recommend, and why?

Securing a second opinion can be facilitated through a referral from your specialist or you may wish to seek out a second opinion on your own and then have your GP forward the referral.

Once you have decided who you will see for your second opinion, ask that your medical records, original x-rays and all test results be shared with the new specialist. This avoids having to repeat everything all over again. Having taken copies of all your test results throughout the process may facilitate the sharing of those results with your new specialist.

Remember that you have the right to a second opinion about your diagnosis and the recommended treatment plan. Asking for a second opinion does not imply that you do not like or trust your specialist.

Your specialist understands you need to feel that every possibility for the best treatment has been explored. You may also ask your specialist if they have consulted with their colleagues for additional recommendations in respect of your disease.