The following list of questions address the lifestyle factors during and after bowel cancer treatment. 

  • Will my life change? If so, how? Will I need to make changes in my work, family life, and leisure time?
  • Can I drink alcohol?
  • Are there any special foods that I should or should not eat?
  • What lifestyle restrictions will I have during treatment? For example, can I exercise the way I always have?
  • Will I have to limit visits with family and friends?
  • How will my normal activities change as a result of treatment?
  • Can I still lift things as normal?
  • Can you recommend support groups in the local area with people I can talk to?
  • Will my sexual function be affected?
  • I have never exercised before, should I be taking part in an exercise program?
  • Should I take any over the counter medications (e.g. antacids, aspirin) during treatment?
  • Should I be taking multivitamins during and after treatment?
  • What types of lifestyle and dietary changes may be helpful to manage my condition during and after treatment so as to improve my prognosis?
  • Should I schedule appointments with a nutritionist, dietician, or other health care specialists?
  • How will I cope if I live alone?
  • Will I have any physical problems?
  • Is there written information I can take home with me or access on lifestyle changes?
  • What happens if I experience depression or constant sadness?
  • Who can help me relay the news to my children about my bowel cancer diagnosis?