At some point – even if you do not change specialists before or during treatment – you may find yourself in the office of a new specialist involved in the management of your care.

It is important that you be able to give your new specialist the exact details of your diagnosis and treatment. The following checklist will aid in the sharing of your information with the new specialist and it is recommended that you always keep copies for yourself. 

  • A copy of the pathology report from any biopsy or surgery
  • If you have had surgery, a copy of the surgical report
  • If you have been admitted to hospital, a copy of the discharge summary that every specialist must prepare when patients are sent home
  • If you have had radiation therapy, a final summary of the dose and field
  • If you had chemotherapy, a final summary of the dose(s), number of cycles and type of drug(s)
  • Since some drugs can have long terms side effects, a list of all your drugs, drug doses, and when you took them (including over-the-counter drugs)  

You may ask your specialist’s office staff for copies of your records. Asking for your records as soon as they are generated is advisable as the office may relocate, close during the holidays and staff may depart on vacation, for example.

If the treatment or test took place in a hospital, you may need to contact the hospital’s medical records department to determine how to go about securing your records. This information should be kept with you for life, since all future specialist visits will be requiring the information.